Happy Fall Wolverines!
As midterms wind-down, we hope to offer you with a glimpse of the work that CSG has done thus far, and some of the resources we are providing to students this semester. As always, our first priority is serving the incredible student body at the University of Michigan.
Whether it’s at one of our campus events or through a facet of our organization, student involvement with CSG is something we constantly strive for. Our commissions offer students the ability to tackle specific issues affecting them and their peers on campus. Any student from any school or college can join a commission; start by filling out this form so commission chairs can contact you. Furthermore, CSG has recently implemented our first ever Program Board, which allows students to plan and implement events that touch all areas of campus and engage the student body. Interested students can apply through this short application.
Thinking towards your future and the future of our University, we invite you to attend two events CSG is having in the upcoming month. As the University will host the second Presidential Debate on October 15, 2020, students are encouraged to get involved and share their voice during the process. Join us at our second town hall on October 30 from 6:30-8 p.m. at the Maize and Blue Auditorium in the Student Activities Building. Additionally, we’re proud to partner with UM Credit Union and PNC Bank to provide "Achieving Financial Wellness", a financial literacy workshop happening on November 11 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the Hussey Room of the Michigan League. Both events will give students the ability and resources to shape their time at UM and beyond.
Further, we’re proud to support our students in a variety of ways, from our own office, to the airport, and beyond. Numerous resources are available to students due to the work of CSG members, including free greenbooks for exams, free calculator rentals, a free shredder for students, and microwaves across campus. All these resources and more can be found on our website or at our office at 2450 North Quad. Additionally, CSG is once again running Airbus to connect students to DTW and back safely and efficiently. Reservations can be made on the Airbus website. We’re also here to support students in their leadership roles, which is why for this Giving Blue Day, CSG is supporting the Leadership Engagement Scholarship, which encourages recipients to fully immerse themselves in their leadership roles alongside a cohort of inspiring student leaders. GBD is December 3, so mark your calendars now!
You can always visit our website to find opportunities to join CSG in improving our campus and helping our students succeed. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, and visit our website at csg.umich.edu. Additionally, any questions, concerns, or suggestions can be emailed to csg.contact@umich.edu - we want to help you the best way we can!
Go Blue!