Central Student Government's Assembly met on September 21st, 2021 at 7:30 p.m. in hybrid format on Zoom and in the Wolverine Room with 27 voting members present. The recap may be found here.
Consent Agenda
Ratify Agenda
Ratify the Minutes from the 16th Meeting
Elections, Confirmations, and Recalls
New Business
AR 11-033: A Declarative Resolution to implore the University to provide Support and Assistance to Students displaced by “The One” Off-Campus Residence - REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEES
AR 11-034: A Declarative Resolution to expand COVID-19 safety policies at the University of Michigan, specifically addressing in person instruction and large sporting events - OBJECTED, MOVED TO NEW BUSINESS
AR 11-035: A Procedural Resolution to Amend the Compiled Code to Require All Incoming Members of the Central Student Government Assembly to Participate in an LGBTQIA2S+ Identity Based Workshop through the Spectrum Center - OBJECTED, MOVED TO NEW BUSINESS
AR 11-036: A Directive Resolution Urging Compensation and Mileage Reimbursements for Degree Required Internships, with a Specific Focus on the School of Social Work - REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEES
AR 11-037: A Declarative Resolution to Remove the Option for Religious Exemptions to the COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate - OBJECTED, MOVED TO NEW BUSINESS
Old Business
AR 11-027: An Appropriations Resolution to purchase the Cooking add-on from the New York Times - OBJECTED, MOVED TO OLD BUSINESS
AR 11-032: A Procedural Resolution to Permit a Larger Reserve Account - PASSED VIA UNANIMOUS CONSENT
Rules Committee
Resolutions Committee
Communications Committee
Finance Committee
Student Organization Committee
Executive Report - Grace Roberts
Speaker Report - Annie Mintun
New Business
AR 11-034: A Declarative Resolution to expand COVID-19 safety policies at the University of Michigan, specifically addressing in person instruction and large sporting events - MOVED TO OLD BUSINESS
AR 11-035: A Procedural Resolution to Amend the Compiled Code to Require All Incoming Members of the Central Student Government Assembly to Participate in an LGBTQIA2S+ Identity Based Workshop through the Spectrum Center - REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEES
AR 11-037: A Declarative Resolution to Remove the Option for Religious Exemptions to the COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate - VOTE TO MOVE TO OLD BUSINESS FAILED, 3-18-4, REFERRED BACK TO COMMITTEES
Old Business
AR 11-027: An Appropriations Resolution to purchase the Cooking add-on from the New York Times - PASSED VIA ROLL CALL VOTE, 13-10-1
AR 11-034: A Declarative Resolution to expand COVID-19 safety policies at the University of Michigan, specifically addressing in person instruction and large sporting events - PASSED VIA ROLL CALL VOTE, 22-0-0
Adjourned at 10:54 p. m. with 24 voting members present. The Assembly will reconvene on Tuesday, September 28th at 7:30 p. m.