Central Student Government's Assembly met on Tuesday, October 3rd at 7:30 p.m. in the Wolverine Room of the Michigan Union. You can find the recap here.
Call to Order: 7:38 PM
AR 13-018: Operating Procedures Corrections Act RE-REFERRED BACK TO RULES COMMITTEE
Committees: Rules
Sponsors: Reaser, Watt
AR 13-017: Transitioning to Cloud-based iClicker Technology RE-REFERRED TO RESOLUTIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEES
Committees: Resolutions, Communications
Sponsors: Quenioux, Watt, Ray, Herle
Minutes from the 11th Meeting of the 13th Assembly on September 26, 2023
CA 13-001: Elections Improvement Act PASSED, SENT TO STUDENT BODY
Committees: Rules, Finance
Sponsors: Reaser, Watt, Quick, Gavulic, Amspaugh, Engstrom
AR 13-019: Elections Improvement Act PASSED WITH UNANIMOUS CONSENT
Committees: Rules, Finance
Sponsors: Reaser, Watt, Quick, Gavulic, Amspaugh, Engstrom, Szendro Arceo
Motion to amend Section 2 adopted with unanimous consent
Fall 2023 Elections Budget PASSED
Blaine Coleman
Closing & Adjournment: 8:44 PM