Central Student Government's Assembly met on Tuesday, February 22nd at 7:35 p.m. in hybrid format on Zoom and in the Wolverine Room with 32 voting members present. The recap may be found here.
Consent Agenda
Ratify Agenda
Ratify Minutes from the 32nd Meeting of the 11th Assembly
Elections, Confirmations, and Recalls
Confirmation of Sarah Salino as Deputy Commissioner for Outreach - CONFIRMED UNANIMOUSLY
Confirmation of Caroline Theuerkauf as Deputy Commissioner for Events and Finance - CONFIRMED UNANIMOUSLY
New Business
AR 11-065: A Declarative Resolution Calling Upon All Administrative Leadership at the University of Michigan to Adopt a $15/hr Minimum Wage for all Student Employees - OBJECTED, MOVED TO NEW BUSINESS
Community Concerns
Zaynab Elkolaly
Maria Fields
Deborah Rookey
Allan Vanzandt
Estrella Escutia
Emma Sklar
Nithya Arun
Emily Marcil
Carla Voigt
Annie Mintun
Guest Speakers
Resolutions Committee
Rules Committee [DID NOT MEET QUORUM]
Communications Committee
Finance Committee
Student Organization Committee
Exec Report - Grace Roberts
Election Director Report - Taylor Quick
New Business
AR 11-065: A Declarative Resolution Calling Upon All Administrative Leadership at the University of Michigan to Adopt a $15/hr Minimum Wage for all Student Employees - OBJECTED, MOVED TO OLD BUSINESS
Old Business
AR 11-065: A Declarative Resolution Calling Upon All Administrative Leadership at the University of Michigan to Adopt a $15/hr Minimum Wage for all Student Employees - PASSED UNANIMOUSLY
Motions and Other Business
Airbus Funding Request - PASSED UNANIMOUSLY
Adjourned at 9:20 p.m. with 31 voting members present. The Assembly will reconvene on Tuesday, March 8th at 7:30 p.m.