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Executive Committee Report - March 18, 2025

Writer: csg frontofficecsg frontoffice

The executive committee has issued the following report for the March 18, 2025 Assembly Meeting:

  1. Notices to the Assembly

    1. Please use THIS FORM (ANONYMOUS) for any and all feedback for the Executive Branch.

    2. Purchase requests for P-cards must be made through our Program Manager Isabella. Please fill out THIS SHEET and make sure to read ALL of the instructions at the top before submitting any requests. If you have any questions please reach out to Isabella at

  2. Communications Activities

    1. All submissions for the April ACE will be due Friday March 21st. Please do not wait until the last minute to make these submissions. All details of a submitted program/event should be finalized. There will be no room/time for edits or late adds once the deadline has passed and there are no exceptions.

  3. Programs and Events

    1. The Women’s History Month Brunch was a huge success with special guests Ambassador Susan Page and Dr. Helen Levy. Thank you to everyone who supported this conference and made it possible, and a special shout out to the amazing women on the programming team as well as Rep Peterman for organizing the event.

    2. World Bites, the cultural food fair will be happening March 27th 6-8 PM on the Diag. There will be 11 tabling orgs handing out food and 3 performance orgs. If you would like to volunteer, please sign up using THIS SHEET

    3. Operation Graduation is working on washing and packaging all of the graduation gowns. If you have an in unit washing machine that you do not need to pay quarters to use, please volunteer to wash a couple gowns. Please reach out to our Deputy Director of Programming Max with any questions regarding gowns at

    4. Sunset Cinema will be on April 4th from 7-9 PM on the Diag. We are currently working to get licensing for the movie, contracting aligned for the projector, screen, and chairs, as well as fun snacks for the movie.

    5. We are collaborating with michgrads, the biggest on campus graduation photos company, to subsidize graduation photos for low income students. The interest form was released on Instagram so please help spread the word! More advertising will happen throughout the rest of this week through targeted emails for seniors, and the day of the photoshoots will be March 31st and April 1st.

    6. The joint CSG X MPC Conference will be March 29th 1-5 PM. There will be a Panel including Congresswoman Debbie Dingell, Mayor Chris Taylor, and political strategist Jill Alper. The panel will be followed by Workshops including Foreign Policy, Political Strategy, Campaign Strategy, and Law School admission. 

    7. Grocery Store Transportation Pilot Report 

    8. CSG branches have agreed to organize a joint CSG End of Year Gala. Our Chief Diversity Officer Jardine will be collaborating with Justice Walsh, Representative King, and Vice President Frederick. Please reach out to them with any questions or input about the Gala.

  4. Policy Team

    1. The Policy Team has been working really hard for the grocery store transportation program implementation. Additionally, they have been actively advocating for the Student Regent Proposal, engaging with the offices of Senator Peters and Slotkin, and reaching out to Governor Whitmer in hopes of securing her support. This Friday, they are also meeting with Representative Dingell’s office to further discuss the proposal. Continuing their housing series, they are meeting with the Director of Beyond the Diag to continue the short video series, as well as implement a rating system for houses and landlords on the housing website. The team is continuing their work on adding resources to Mcards as well and hope to implement this before the end of term.

    2. The DEAC is working on the March InclusiviTEA- Seeping in Unity: Sports which will be March 20th from 6:00-7:30 in the League, featuring the topic of sports and how that has impacted the disability community and will feature the Adaptive Sports Program and possibly even a paralympian! Additionally they have been working on the Autism Awareness Event that will be on April 2nd from 1-5 first floor UGLI. More details on this event to come!

    3. SMPSEC successfully hosted the Don’t Leave it up to Luck event in the Shapiro Library this past Monday. There were over 250 students reached with resources such as affirmation cards, condoms, snacks, and resource information cards. The commission is now working to establish resources for first years in the dorms as well as connect with SAPAC and see which initiative they can collaborate with for the remainder of the semester.

    4. The Chief Diversity Officer has finalized the Demographic survey and sent it out to all members across all branches of CSG. Please take a minute to fill this out RIGHT NOW if you have not already as this is a mandatory requirement. Less than 50 percent of CSG has currently filled out the form, please fill it out ASAP the deadline is TONIGHT at 11:59 PM. Additionally the CDO will be meeting with the director of the Office of New Student Programs to incorporate anti-racism training into the mandatory First Year Orientation.

  5. Meeting Headlines

    1. Mario and Jake met with Executive Director of DPSS Eddie Washington to talk about campus safety walkthroughs and emergency alert improvements.

    2. Mario and Angelica had a follow-up with Regent Brown where they began to set up a recurring meeting time for student government leadership and Regents.

    3. Mario and Jake met with President Ono where they spoke on on-going initiatives and campus developments. 

    4. Jake, Lidia, Margaret, and Tiya had a meeting with Transportation to discuss details regarding the Grocery Store Transportation initiative and SmartRide.

      1. Grocery Store Transportation Pilot Report 

    5. Mario sat in a variety of interviews and deliberations with the Judicial Appointments Commission to select two new CSJ Justices

    6. Mario and Jake had two weekly meetings with Dean Jones. 

If you have any questions, want more details on meeting headlines, or would like to meet with the President or Vice President, please contact Chief of Staff to the President Joyce Jung (


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