The Executive Branch
The Executive Branch is primarily comprised of the Central Student Government President, Vice President, Treasurer, and the Student General Counsel. Other Executive Officials may be appointed by the President; these may include, but are not limited to the Chief of Staff, Chief Programming Officer, and Communications Director.
Executive Roles and Organization
Central Student Government President
Oversees and coordinates all Central Student Government Activities and serves as the chief spokesperson for CSG
The President may appoint executive commissions to study issues on campus, work on campaigns, initiatives, and projects within the vision of CSG
The CSG President may appoint students to serve on University-wide committees as well as commission chairs with advice and consent of the Assembly
The CSG President serves as a non-voting ex-officio member of the Assembly
May recommend measures to the Assembly
The Central Student Government President shall make any reports to the Board of Regents available to the Assembly and students at large on the CSG website before their presentation to the Regents
Central Student Government Vice President
Chairs the University Council
The CSG Vice President serves as a non-voting ex-officio member of the Assembly
May recommend measures to the Assembly
Chief financial officer of Central Student Government
Disburses funds appropriated by the Assembly as provided for in the Constitution and in the Compiled Code
Prepares a Financial Status Report at the end of each winter semester
Assists legislature in drafting a proposed annual budget for the Central Student Government
Serves as a non-voting ex-officio member of the Assembly
Student General Counsel
Chief representative of CSG in matters before student judiciaries
Has standing for all cases submitted to the Central Student Judiciary
Advises Executive and Legislative branches on interpretation of the Constitution and Compiled Code
May serve as a non-voting ex-officio member of the Assembly
Charged with determining apportionment each winter
Oversees the University Elections Commission, Special Prosecutor, and Election Director
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is comprised of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Student General Counsel, the Speaker of the Assembly, and any other executive official the president may designate.
Executive Commissions
The CSG President may appoint executive commissions. A commission shall serve concurrently with the appointing president's term at the President's discretion. Any student, faculty member, or staff member of the university may serve on any CSG commission. The chair of each commission shall submit periodic written reports to the Assembly.
The Cabinet
The Cabinet is comprised of the Executive Committee, Commission Chairs, and the Chair of the Student Organization Funding Commission (SOFC).